Minimally Invasive Dental Fillings

Tooth decay is a bacterial infection in tooth enamel. Left untreated, it easily expands deeper into the tooth, nerve, and neighboring teeth.

Fortunately, treating your cavity as soon as it’s diagnosed allows you to opt for a small and minimally invasive restoration.

Do I Need a Dental Filling?

Placing a filling in your small cavity will prevent minor decay from spreading into the nerve so that you can avoid a root canal and crown. Since pain is not a consistent symptom of tooth decay, be on the lookout for other signs such as:

  • Food catching between teeth
  • Rough surfaces
  • Sweet sensitivity
  • Pain when biting or chewing
  • Floss shredding during use

Ultimately, we will need to examine and possibly take an X-ray of your tooth to determine where the cavity is and to what extent the decay reaches.

Yes, children need fillings too. Their primary teeth act as special guides to position their adult teeth in proper alignment. Losing one too early could cause serious orthodontic concerns!

White Fillings

This tooth-colored restoration blends in with your tooth. Composite bonds closely with enamel, meaningless preparation is needed (preserving more tooth structure.) We can place white fillings on any tooth since they are not visible when you smile.

Silver Fillings (Amalgam)

Traditional amalgam fillings are durable and ideal for areas that have large areas of decay or are difficult to keep dry during treatment.

What to Expect

A typical dental filling appointment will take less than an hour from start to finish. We’ll gently numb your tooth so that you don’t have to feel a thing. Then we’ll remove the decayed areas, condition the healthy structure underneath, and shape the filling material to your tooth. Once it’s cured in place and the anesthetic wears off, you’ll be able to eat and drink normally.

Tooth decay doesn’t go away on its own. Schedule an exam before your small cavity becomes a big problem.